Maladroit børnebog

SKU: Hverdagsvenner

  • Maladroit børnebog ult Title
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Denne børnebog er en hyldest til nysgerrigheden og modet hos små opdagelsesrejsende. Inspireret af sine oplevelser med sin søn, Sylvester, har forfatteren skabt en smukt illustreret bog, der gør naturens verden mere tilgængelig og mindre skræmmende for børn.

I Danmark er langt de fleste dyr og insekter helt ufarlige, men mange af os har en irrationel frygt for de små krible-krable væsner. Denne frygt går ofte i arv, og bogen håber at hjælpe både børn og voksne til at se naturens små skabninger med nye øjne og større tryghed.

Fortalt fra et barns perspektiv, tager bogen udgangspunkt i de første naive, men dybt fascinerende naturobservationer. Det er en kærlig invitation til at udforske naturen i danske haver og åbne landskaber og til at opdage de små hverdagsvenner, der findes omkring os.

Naturområde: Danske haver og åbent land
Baseret på: Forfatterens egne oplevelser med sin søn, Sylvester

Does ELSK send to the whole world?
We deliver to all countries within the European Union and Norway.
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How long does the delivery take?
Expected delivery time is 2-10 days.

How much does delivery cost?
Shipping costs for international orders are EUR 13.50

How do I send a return?
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How should I return an order?
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How long can I return?
You have 100 days to return your order.

Is ELSK VOEC-registered for Norway 🇳🇴?
Yes, ELSK is VOEC-registered so it is easy for you to shop in Norway without duty and tax.
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We believe that as a company we have an obligation to not only take, but also to give back.

No matter how "green" our company and products are, there will always be some strain on the environment. That is why we donate at least 1% of our turnover annually to environmental protection.

This is our way of giving something back to nature. It is also our responsibility to use our company to create positive change.

> Read more about 1% for The Planet

> Read what the money has been used for, among other things

ELSK is a B-Corp certified company!

And what does that actually mean? It means a lot to us - and hopefully something to you too! Being a part of B-Corp signifies that we run a business where it's about much more than just making a profit and growing as big as possible. In short, as a B-Corp, we don't just aim to be the best in the world, but the best FOR the world. We commit legally to creating sustainable and positive changes. B-Corp stands for Benefit Corporation. It's a certification that doesn't just look at the company's individual products but the company as a whole.

> Read more about B-corp certification here

You choose to have your order sent in circular packaging from Re-zip.

Re-zip is reminiscent of the Danish mortgage system. You buy circular packaging for DKK 15, and as a reward you get a voucher of DKK 100 when you return the packaging.

> Read how it works?

> Read the ESG report
