The Danish Nature Foundation
Why does ELSK donate so often to Den Danske Naturfond?
We dream of using ELSK to motivate and inspire both consumers, companies and ourselves to make better choices when it comes to our planet and our work with fashion.
"It is a nice concrete example of how ELSK can benefit as a company, that we can give nature more space in this way. This gives us both a sense of pride, and it is also visible to our customers, who can see that the money we spend is beneficial locally in Denmark. We have a conviction that we must use our company not just to take, but also to give something back. In Denmark, we feel that we really need to give something back to nature, because as a society we have taken far too much of nature's place."
Lars Riis, founder of ELSK

24,666 m2 of Danish nature
We have ensured that together with you.
Your support for us means that we can support elsewhere, and we believe that everyone has a responsibility to contribute. That is why we have purchased and thus secured over 24,666 m2 of good Danish nature in collaboration with Den Danske Naturfond. At ELSK, we try to use our company to also benefit. As people and as a company, we have a responsibility and a duty, which is why we often choose to support Den Danske Naturfond, in order to take care of nature and give something back.
Den Danske Naturfond
Den Danske Naturfond works to protect and improve Danish nature and ensure more space for nature throughout the country.
They create a Denmark where there is room for wild animals and plants. But also a Denmark where everyone can experience fantastic nature. The way the Naturfonden secures nature is by buying land, restoring nature, caring for it and securing it for the future.
What is a natural proof?
Our nature is under pressure. It is not possible to get back what was lost, but with a nature certificate we ensure a completely new area of nature in Denmark, and help nature with new and better places to live.
You can buy a nature certificate directly from Den Danske Naturfond, where you will then receive a beautiful nature certificate.
In our ELSK store you can see all our natural evidence that we have bought over time

What exactly has it gone to?
We have bought and thus secured over 24,666 m2 of Danish nature, together with you and Den Danske Naturfond.
Here you can get an overview of where and how much Danish nature we have secured.

7,183 m2 at Læsten Bakker
We donated DKK 86,196 and thus secured 7,183 m2 of Danish nature.
Den Danske Naturfond will eventually expand the areas so that Læsten Bakker develops into a large continuous nature area of over 300 hectares. Large natural areas mean that the wild animals and plants can spread better and are more robust against external influences and changes. Den Danske Naturfond has restored some of the areas from fields to wild nature, by preparing the land to be flower meadows again and spreading seeds from wild plants.
6,196 m2 at Engelsholm Sønderskov
We donated DKK 74,348 and thus secured 6,196 m2 of Danish nature.
The Nature Trust has bought the forest in order to preserve the old trees and allow the forest to develop freely as a natural forest. Dead trees and branches remain on the forest floor and rot. It is part of a natural deciduous forest and provides much needed habitat for lichens, fungi, insects and birds. More insects provide more food for animals such as birds, mice and badgers. Old trees and deciduous forests that grow naturally without human intervention are a rare commodity in Danish nature.

5,775 m2 at Hals Mose
We donated DKK 69,300 and thus secured 5,775 m2 of Danish nature.
Hals Mose was once a living raised bog, but drainage and cultivation destroyed parts of the old bog. Den Danske Naturfond has restored Hals Mose to a new wild habitat for animals, plants and fungi. So there can be good Danish wild nature again. The old bog has regained its water, fields have become nature again, rare swamp birch forest has become untouched natural forest which is allowed to grow wild and naturally for the benefit of many species of animals and fungi.
833 m2 by Store Åmose
Store Åmose benefits both the much-needed biodiversity, the climate and the water environment. The Nature Foundation protects and restores nature in three areas of Store Åmose on Zealand.
The Nature Foundation wants to restore nature and give everyone the opportunity to experience nature developing on their own terms. They ensure a natural, living bog with thickets, open bodies of water and open meadows that can benefit many different species, and more water is also provided for protected animals.
5,775 m2 at Hals Mose
Hals Mose was once a living raised bog, but drainage and cultivation destroyed parts of the old bog. Den Danske Naturfond has restored Hals Mose to a new wild habitat for animals, plants and fungi. So there can be good Danish wild nature again. The old bog has regained its water, fields have become nature again, rare swamp birch forest has become untouched natural forest which is allowed to grow wild and naturally for the benefit of many species of animals and fungi.
833 m2 by Store Åmose
Store Åmose benefits both the much-needed biodiversity, the climate and the water environment. The Nature Foundation protects and restores nature in three areas of Store Åmose on Zealand. Nature gets even better conditions when meadows and bogs are restored.
Den Danske Naturfond wants to restore nature and give everyone the opportunity to experience nature developing on their own terms. They ensure a natural, living bog with thickets, open bodies of water and open meadows that can benefit many different species, and more water is also provided for protected animals.
4,679 m2 to Denmark Redder Jord
ELSK donated DKK 56,148 and secured 4,679 m2 of Danish nature for Danmark Redder Jord in collaboration with Den Danske Naturfond.
"Danish nature lacks space. More than 2400 species are in danger of disappearing. Together with ELSK ApS, we are reversing the trend. Your contribution of DKK 56,148 goes uncut for the acquisition of valuable Danish natural areas where protection and nature restoration are needed." - Den Danske Naturfond.
Har vi støttet Den Danske Naturfond i to yderligere donationer..
DKK 12,000 for Hammer Bakker
ELSK donated DKK 12,000 for the restoration of Hammer Bakker. The Nature Foundation will restore up to 1,000 hectares in Hammer Bakker. They will ensure fewer areas with conifer plantations and more natural deciduous forest. Then they will also restore former heaths, grasslands and grazing landscapes with many species of plants, insects, animals and amphibians.
DKK 12,000 to Nationalpark THY
ELSK donated DKK 12,000 for new habitats for gentian bluebirds in Thy Nationalpark, which was a local project. The rare butterfly, gentian bluebird, gets new habitats on former fields to save the butterfly in Thy Nationalpark. The goal is better living conditions by expanding its habitat, by turning a grassland into a mosaic of wet and dry dune.
Naturen fik mere plads i 2023
Vi er stolte over at støtte Den Danske Naturfond. Jeres støtte til os, gør at vi kan støtte andre steder.
Den Danske Naturfond har lavet en smuk video over alle de steder, hvor naturen fik mere plads i 2023. Den synes vi at du skal se.