#LOVELIFE (Part 1)

#ELSKLIFE – get lost…

Isn't that amazing? Now Singles Day has apparently also come to Denmark! It was just missing... we only have Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday already this month. We are not quite sure we understand the concept. It must be something that if you are single and sad, you can buy things cheap that day. Maybe that makes sense? If you don't have a girlfriend, buy a playstation? Or a new t-shirt. It is much easier in everyday life too! We're not sure it's the perfect replacement, but it's not up to us to decide...

ps ...you could also use Singles Day to just do what you love to do. If you do that, love usually comes to you too. It's a lot easier than going looking for love and better than buying a new flat screen.

pps ...it's 11/11 if you were in any doubt.

ppps ...you could also just consider what it means when you buy something? Especially something you might not really need. Check out the video below and see what something as innocent as an ordinary t-shirt can do.

pppps...so we are not grumpy old men...not all the time anyway. Finally...no...we don't have offers on Singles Day. We also don't have that for Black Friday ...or for Cyber ​​Monday ...or for sales ...or when it's our birthday ...or when the neighbor has a birthday ...or when….

Lukas & Lars.