Do you work with something you are passionate about?

Are you working on something you are passionate about?

Here is Mr. Yılmaz.

He is a man driven by passion. Passion for good clothes and good food.

So why are we showing a picture of him and his farm?

Because he owns the factory that makes our shirts and he is a symbol of the type of people we want to work with.

He is passionate about sustainability and therefore he has also created his own farm, where he can grow organic food for his family himself.

All buildings are made from recycled materials or stone and wood that was on the land when they bought it.

On the farm, they grow everything they need for their food themselves and have chickens, sheep and cows.

It is fantastic to work with people who are so dedicated and where it is clear that you believe in what you are working with.

We thought it made a lot of sense to put our shirt production in his hands.

They know what they are doing. They know how to do it.