SKU: C2S_1835

90 DKK 300 DKK
Dette er et RE.ELSK produkt, som er en del af vores secondhand univers. Bemærk venligst, at disse varer er produkter vi har købt tilbage af kunder, 2. sortering eller vareprøver.
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58% Organic Cotton / 39% Tencel / 5% ElastaneDesigned & Screenprinted in Denmark – Made in Turkey Have a closer look at our suppliers in Turkey. Organic Cotton (natural fiber)The reason we use organic cotton instead of conventional cotton is quite simple; It’s better for you and for the planet. Of course, the farming and processing require more knowledge and observation, and is far more expensive and complicated than the production of conventional cotton. However, opposite conventional cotton that uses roughly 7% of the world’s pesticides and 16% of the world’s insecticides, organic cotton uses none!Pros:71% less water is used in the production compared to conventional cottonNo toxic chemicals used to grow the cottonThe cotton-farmers aren’t exposed to any kind of chemicalsIt is better for the planet, and for you!Cons:The farming and the processing require more knowledgeIt is more complicated to produce compared to conventional cotton productionIt is more expensive compared to the conventional production of cottonIt still needs a lot of water to grow the cottonLyocell/TencellLyocell is a light and biodegradable material. Its fibers are stronger than other similar fibers, which means you are getting a shirt which lasts longer and looks better for a longer period. Lyocell is also known by the name Tencel and is made from Eucalyptus trees. This is a fast-growing plant, which does not require tons of water or pesticides to grow. After harvesting the Eucalyptus tree, the tree is soaked in a solution called amine oxide, which is non-toxic. The amine oxide extracts the raw cellulose, so it can be made into fibers which can be spun into yarn, and lastly fabrics.Pros:Lyocell is very environmentally friendly, because it is produced in a closed loop, so all chemicals used are recycledIt is a strong material, quick drying and has a good absorbencyThe absorbency is 50% better than cotton, and because of the incredibly good absorbency, the material is anti-bacterialThe fabric feels very light and soft, and doesn’t absorb sweat odor100% biodegradableAnd fun fact – it is made from treesCons:It is an expensive materialElastane……is the fiber that has the highest elasticity. We use this fiber because of its extensibility and flexibility which causes a better fit and movement to our products.Pros:Very high elasticityHelps clothes retain shapeGenerally, improves fitComfortable fit and to wearCons:The elastic will break over timeWill make even the strongest materials weak, because of its stretch abilityWhen this material is washed, it can leak out microplastic in the oceans. To minimize this, place the clothes in filter bags or place laundry balls in the washing machine.

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Typisk 1-3 hverdage.

Hvad koster levering?
Kun 25 kr til GLS pakkeshop.

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Uanset hvor "grøn" vores virksomhed og produkter er, vil der altid være en vis belastning på miljøet. Derfor donerer vi årligt mindst 1% af vores omsætning til miljøbeskyttelse.

Dette er vores måde at give noget tilbage til naturen på. Det er også vores ansvar at anvende vores virksomhed til at skabe en positiv forandring.

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Helt kort, så skal man som B-corp ikke blot ønske at være bedst i verden, men bedst FOR verden. Man indgår juridisk forpligtelse til at skabe bæredygtige og positive forandringer. B-corp står for Benefit Cooperation. Det er en certificering som ikke bare kigger på virksomhedens enkelte produkter, men virksomheden som helhed.

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